The file contains a list of your vehicle shops. To add another one, all you have to do is copy the content of, for example, the "main" shop.
['my_new_shop'] = {
blip = {
sprite = 810, -- For the full list of blips:
color = 2, -- For the full list of blips colors:
size = 1.0, -- Size of the blip on the map/minimap.
name = "My new Dealership", -- Display name of the blip on map.
coords = vector3(-56.95651, -1096.566, 26.42233), -- Coords for the blip on the map.
vehicle = {
coords = vector3(-15.29679, -1097.014, 26.67208), -- Where to spawn the vehicle after the purchase is complete.
heading = 161.1845, -- Heading of the spawned vehicle.
rest = {
vehicle_colors = {
primary = 112, -- Vehicle colors on the dealership. List:
secondary = 112, -- Vehicle colors on the dealership. List:
zone = {
coords = vector3(-56.76, -1097.97, 25.51), -- Coords for the target/non-target init.
heading = 31.17, -- Heading for the target init.
minZ = 25.0, -- Target minimal Z coords.
maxZ = 26.51, -- Target max Z coords.
width = 2.0, -- Width of the box for target.
enableDebug = false, -- Enable debug for target.
camera = 'underground', -- Do not change that until you know what you're doing.
After adding a shop, you need to add some vehicles to your database. Ensure that you've installed the dealership.sql file in your database. The dealer_key column should match the key value from the added shop in the config file; in this example, it's `my_new_shop`. Once you've added at least one vehicle, you're good to go!