Changing links

If you want to use for example store, youtube, discord buttons and you want to properly configure them please go to /shared/ui_cfg/config_pausemenu.lua file.

This also gets the data for the main menu component!

Find the code:

Config.PauseMenu.NavbarElements = {
    ['youtube'] = {
        label = 'YouTube',
        icon = 'fab fa-youtube',
        url = '',
        use = true,
    ['store'] = {
        label = 'Store',
        icon = 'fas fa-globe',
        url = '',
        use = true,
    ['discord'] = {
        label = 'Discord',
        icon = 'fab fa-discord',
        url = '',
        use = true,

And change every key url to your liking!

You can also disable each component by setting key use to false and vice-versa.

Last updated