Frequently asked questions

How to add function to automatically hide, show my interface?

Inside /client/cl_worker.lua find function HandleHud

HandleHud = function(hideHud)

Where hideHud is a state

How to change default settings of the new user?

Inside /shared/config.lua you can find and object named Config.DefaultSettings

Config.DefaultSettings['Filters'] = 'NG_filmic25'
Config.DefaultSettings['Cameras'] = 'from_back'

Replace the string from the name from /shared/config_usersettings.lua

How to add more cameras or filters?

Those actions can be done inside /shared/config_usersettings.lua


        name = 'my_new_filter',
        label = "My New Filter",
        value = .65,


    name = 'my_new_camera',
    label = 'My New Camera',
    rotations = {
            x = false, --ROTATE X AXIS
            y = false, --ROTATE Y AXIS
            z = false, --ROTATE Z AXIS
    offsets = {
        x = -3.25, --LEFT/RIGHT
        y = 5.5, --FORWARD/BACKWARD
        z = 0.3, --TOP/BOTTOM

How to add more default locations?

Visit /shared/config_locations.lua and add location with unique key:

['mission_row'] = {
        coords = vector3(409.1667, -1013.328, 29.39579), --Coords of the location
        type = "default", --DO NOT CHANGE THE TYPE
        label = 'Mission Row', --Label of the given location

How to change starting items?

Important note!

Remember that it's only exclusive for ESX, to change that for QBCore you have to change those in QBCore!

Inside /shared/config.lua you can find the basics of the starting items

Config.StarterItems = {
        item = 'bread',
        amount = 3
    }, {
        item = 'water',
        amount = 3
        item = 'phone',
        amount = 1,

How to change location of default spawn coords?

Inside /shared/config.lua you can find that line:

Config.SpawnCoords = {
    coords = vector3(-1037.449, -2737.475, 20.16927), -- Spawn coords
    heading = 329.1169 -- Spawn heading

You can just change the coords and heading and you're ready to go!

How can I set so the players won't swap locations on logout?

Inside shared/config.lua you can find following:

Config.CanSwapLocationOnLogout = true -- SIMPLY SET THAT TO FALSE

Visit /shared/config.lua and find the following code:

Config.ServerLogo = 'https://r2.fivemanage.com/pub/ctxilgf52se2.png'

Make sure to use proper CDN! Discord or IMGUR cdn's are not supported due to cross-origin-policy! We suggest using https://fivemanage.com which is trusted site for such things.

How can I change default music?

Inside /shared/config.lua you can just adjust that line:

Config.Music = {
    default = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP3g69Vb_-k', -- YOUTUBE MUSIC URL
    volume = .3, --DEFAULT VOLUME

How can I default characters amount?

Inside /shared/config.lua find the following:

Config.Characters.Free = 1 --SET THAT NUMBER TO HIGHER VALUE

How can I set user characters amount?

Inside the table in SQL you can find zsx_multicharacter_slots all you have to know before that is user license or any other selector that you've set inside config. In amount column adjust the number and that's all! Resource gathers on logout all data once again so they are refreshed at the initialize point.

How can I enable/disable debug?

Inside /shared/config.lua you can find the line

Config.Debug = true -- TRUE to enable FALSE to disable

Or you can use issue helper and then copy the server side console content to our discord.

Config.IssueHelper = true -- TRUE to enable FALSE to disable

How can I adjust clothing timer?

Inside /shared/config.lua you can find following line:

Config.ClothingTimer = 15000 -- Time in miliseconds

How can I change my skin functions?

If you're using one of those listed appearance resources:

  • esx_skin [skinchanger]

  • qb-clothing

  • illenium-appearance

  • fivem-appearance

  • crm-appearance

You can just change inside shared/config.lua

Config.ForceAppearance = 'your-appearance-resource-listed-from-above'

If not then go to client/framework/framework_functions.lua and find those functions:

  • Framework.OpenSkinMenu

  • Framework.SetSkin

You can add your export/event and manage the player skin within that file.

I'm from China and YouTube is restricted

Sadly on that part we can only give you snippet that will still give you access to joining the server but the music will still be not usable (unless you're using a VPN)

To make that work without the YouTube part, please go to client/html/js/loader.js and add following line to the 3rd line:

$.post(`https://${GetParentResourceName()}/music_ready`, JSON.stringify({}))

Last updated