Creating new scenes for Main Menu

How to add them?

It's quite easy to do but needs some practice. Here's the code that we will base on:

[4] = {
        camCoords = vector3(-1737.402222, -1129.793457, 27.330444), -- camera coords
        focusCoords = vector3(-1646.162598, -1150.641724, 35.334106), -- coords to focus on
        fov = 30.0, -- field of view of camera
        shake = 'HAND_SHAKE', -- shake, if you want to disable it you can set 'none'
        shakeAmplitude = .1, -- amplitude of shake 0.0 - 1.0
        dofAdjust = { -- not needed but you can calculate manually depth of field
            near = 60.0, -- near units
            far = 80.0, -- far units
            strength = 0.45 -- strength of motion blur

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