Disabling component type

To disable them you need to find the corelative interface type you're looking for. We will do example with progressbar.

Visit /shared/ui_cfg/config_progressbar.lua and find the following code:

Config.ProgressBar.Types = {
    ['basic'] = {
        use = true,
        label = 'Basic',
    ['modern'] = {
        use = true,
        label = 'Modern',
    ['diamond'] = {
        use = true,
        label = 'Diamond',

Set key use that you want to disable to false. We will disable diamond type:

Config.ProgressBar.Types = {
    ['basic'] = {
        use = true,
        label = 'Basic',
    ['modern'] = {
        use = true,
        label = 'Modern',
    ['diamond'] = {
        use = false,
        label = 'Diamond',

And that's it!

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